Below is a timeline of work, initiatives, and events we have organized.

Background (2018-2019)


September 1


July 14


June 20


June 11


June 2


May 29


May 10


May 6


Action April


April 2


March 25


March 9


January 21

As the jail population rose again, MCJC held a press event to urgently call for a reduction (Stories: DDN, WDTN)

ABLE filed lawsuit on behalf of LEAD for court to mandate PHDMC to test inmates for COVID-19 (Story)

Follow-up call to action upon learning of an outbreak of COVID in the jail (Text of letter)

Call to Action following a positive COVID case among inmates, placing the jail in “Code Red” (Text of letter)

MCJC receives HDR Consulting’s initial proposal to build a new, larger jail in Montgomery County

As population figures ticked back up following an initial reduction, MCJC renewed its call to officials across the county to work to lower the number of people inside the jail due to the persistent threat of a COVID-19 outbreak.

Call to Action for further COVID-19 protection for people in the jail, as well are re-entry services for those released as part of the County’s COVID-19 precautions (Link to text)

“Lunch and Learn” event: Montgomery County Jail and COVID-19 [50 people participated; Facebook event, Flier]

Campaign to pressure officials to reduce incarcerated population across the state, due to the threat posed by COVID-19 (Tool kit)

MCJC calls for continued COVID-19 response in letter to Sheriff Rob Streck (Text of letter)

300 inmates released (Story)

“Lunch and Learn” event: “Does Montgomery County Need a New, Giant Jail?” featuring Dr. Zaria Davis, Pretrial Justice Institute [Over 100 people in attendance; Flier]

First conference call to discuss possible community effort to address the future of the Montgomery County Jail facility, given its documented history of inhumane conditions and overcrowding.